We Are The Reason

lørdag 2. mai 2009


Jesus er så go,han gir virkeig livet en mening og langt mere enn det.Han fyller all lengsel og gir det som er blitt tatt fra oss. Han er kongenes konge,messias,og jeg elsker ham.

So long, I searched for life's meaning- enslaved by the world and my greed-
Then the door of prison was opened by love- for the ransom was paid- I was free!
I'm free from the fear of tomorrow- I'm free from the guilt of my past-
Woooh! I've traded my shackles for a glorious song- I'm free-
Praise the Lord, free at last!
I am free from the guilt that I carried-from the dull empty life-I'm set free-
for when I met Jesus he made me complete,
he forgot the foolish child I used to be-
I'm free from the fear of tomorrow, I'm free from the guilt of my past-
Oh! I traded my shackles for a glorious song-
I'm free! Praise the Lord, free at last!
OOOH! I've traded my shackles for a glorious song!
I'm free, Praise the Lord free at last!!

Lynda randle

2 kommentarer:

perlen sa...

dette er bare såå vakkert,fine bilder og fine gode ord til oppbyggelse,takk Rose for det du deler med oss.

Mariah Kinnley sa...

Wow! I love how you are so into Jesus. I have a blog about Jesus too! That reminds me of the song called "Into Jesus" by Dc Talk. It is the best song ever. btw, great blog! (btw= by the way) sorry i like using chat talk a lot.